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Participate in more actions!

Join the We Are Guardians team, Puyr, Edivan, Chelsea and Rob in other events throughout the week:

Sunday September 17th

1 pm ET 

March to End Fossil FuelsConvergence point: 56th and Broadway

Thursday September 21st


Participate in a flash dance to to create an arresting visual/cause a stir for delegates as they enter the NYT climate conference from 8.30am to 9am  - a conference that the JBS CEO Gilberto Tomazoni is down to speak at! Bill Gates and Al Gore will also speak, plus the Executive Director of Greenpeace US, Ebony Twilley Martin

Friday September 22nd

10:30am ET

High-Level Forum on Women Protecting the Amazon
Organized by Brazil’s Ministry of Indigenous Peoples, Avaaz, and Amazon Watch.
The People’s Forum: 320 W 37th St.

More from Amazon Watch

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